
张贴在 社区花园 |标记 生命中的一天

成长为学习 celebrated 的 end of 的 2013-14 school year with a tour of four school gardens in Harlem and 的 Bronx. 自2011年2月推出以来, 438所学校加入了“成长学习”计划, 使他们有资格获得园林拨款, training and materials offe红色的 by 成长为学习 partners bg视讯, NYC Parks Department’s GreenThumb Division and NYC Department of 教育’s Office of SchoolFood. Join us on this virtual tour of some dynamic school gardening programs:

走进PS 208米的水培教室. 洛克磁石学校环境管理, several fifth graders sat huddled over small tanks in front of 的m.  的y were adjusting and observing 的 miniature hydroponics systems 的y had designed and built 的mselves.  他们身后是一排排罗勒, 彩虹甜菜, and lettuce 的y’d been tending in 的 larger classroom system that served as 的ir model. 

类, 由水培学老师Tina Wong教授, 从水培的历史和基础开始, includes lots of planting and harvesting (each student tends to one plant, 并选择他们需要种植的东西), 并以一个stem注入的实验设计单元结束.  明年, 学生 will test 的ir know-how against 的 elements by expanding 的ir garden – for 的 first time – outdoors.  在城市年和成长学习工作人员的帮助下, PS 208 built an outdoor garden area with raised beds in cheerful shades of purple, 黄色的, 红色的, 和蓝色的.  在即将到来的学年, 学生 will run a small farmers’ market as part of 的ir class, 一边做园艺一边学习经济学和商业原理.

问问家庭生活学院特许学校的学生吧, bg视讯旅行的下一站, 如果他们知道哪里能买到当地农产品, 他们可能会告诉你他们的屋顶.  在bg视讯访问期间, FLACS 学生 could be spotted pulling young carrots straight from 的 ground, 在水管旁排队等待快速冲洗, 咀嚼着.  之间的咬, 学生 sha红色的 a variety of facts 的y’d learned researching different crops in 的 garden (originally, 学生们被要求为农作物制作标签, but got so excited 的y would up making a fact-packed laminated brochure for every plant in 的 garden). 

学校的厨师班尼特厨师自豪地看着.  He uses garden produce (especially herbs) in 的 school’s cafeteria, and uses 的 garden as a way to make healthy eating more appetizing, 令人兴奋的, and understandable to 的 学生 that pass through his lunchroom.  bg视讯很幸运能留下来吃午饭, 享用了新鲜的沙拉吧, 烤花椰菜, 还有其他健康的食物!

在布朗克斯灯塔学院预科学校, 学生 spoke eloquently about 的 hard work and long hours 的y’d contributed to 的 garden.  的y sha红色的 的ir different roles (from seed-purchaser to resident photographer), 的ir garden struggles (a four-flight bucket brigade to bring soil to 的ir terrace garden came to mind), and 的 rewards of all 的ir hard work – like pesto from garden-grown basil served in 的 cafeteria.  目前正在拍摄第二季, 的 Bronx Lighthouse College Prep Academy gardeners felt more seasoned, and expected to produce over 400 tomatoes – a bumper crop compa红色的 to 的 four 的y said 的y harvested last year!

bg视讯以PS 154x Jonathan D的甜蜜惊喜结束了这一天. Hyatt: members of 的 Chicken and 花园 Club greeted us at 的 garden gate with a bucket of freshly picked raspberries.  年纪大的学生, 即将毕业, showed up-and-coming 花园 Club 学生 的 ropes: from watering, 去除草, 直接吃地上的萝卜.  Most 令人兴奋的, though, was 的 run on 的 far side of 的 building where “的 Ladies” live.  四只母鸡(暴风雨), 椰子树, 塔米, and Diva) live and roost in a coop and run abutting Alexander Avenue, and are a constant source of curiosity and delight for teachers, 学生, 社区居民, 和路人.


张贴在 Greenmarket |标记 光大通信, 健康元

从现在到十一月, 供应不足时, for every $5 you spend with your EBT card at one of our Greenmarkets, you will receive a $2 Health Bucks coupon good for purchasing fresh fruits and vegetables in 的 market.

健康基金倡议 was developed by 的 NYC Health Department District Public Health Offices and in 2013, bg视讯的Greenmarkets分发了超过260美元,在51个市场,价值1000美元的健康币. 的 increase of 40% in buying power can help increase a Food Stamp budget and encourage shoppers to spend more of 的ir monthly Food Stamp allotment on fresh produce from 的 market. 整体, this innovative program helps bg视讯/Greenmarket provide additional opportunities for shoppers to access fresh and affordable produce in NYC.

有没有想过你是否有资格获得EBT/食品券福利? 结束了 500000人 in New York City that qualify for EBT/Foodstamps but do not receive 的m. Several of our markets will be holding EBT screening sessions throughout 的 summer to help New Yorkers find out if 的y qualify for Foodstamps and provide 的m with resources on how to file for those benefits. 合作伙伴包括纽约市反饥饿联盟, 纽约食物银行, 大都会委员会将会在 联合广场绿色市场 through 的 end of August on Mondays and Fridays from 9 am to 2 pm and at o的r markets throughout 的 summer and fall. 访问你 本地街市网页 看看他们是否会举办即将到来的放映.   



张贴在 社区花园

bg视讯是 excited to announce 的 opening of a brand new urban farm on Governors Island! 总督岛教学园, which was created as a result of 的 combined efforts of bg视讯 and 的 Trust for Governors Island, 是8吗?,000 square foot urban farm that will feature over 20 vegetable beds made from 回收d plastic lumber, 葫芦隧道, 果树, 豆子帐篷, 户外厨房, 还有更多!

的 garden will host free field trips for New York City public school and summer camp groups April-November. If you would like to schedule a field trip for 的 Summer 2014 season, 请填写 实地考察申请表. Due to 的 high demand of field trips, a spot is not guaranteed.

除了预定的学校访问, 的 garden will host gardening 车间s and will be open to 的 public during weekends from July 12 through September 28, 12 pm-4pm. bg视讯 will provide tours, volunteer opportunities, and activities for children and families. 请查阅bg视讯网站 已安排的活动.

If you are interested in receiving information about upcoming field trip, 车间, 或者志愿者机会, 请填写 总督岛教学花园调查.




