
February 20, 2016

Greenmarket is currently hiring seasonal market managers to manage our 53 Greenmarkets throughout the five boroughs. 点击这里查看职位描述, and read below for a first hand account of managing a Greenmarket from former Market Manager, Kathleen Crosby. 

来自纽约街头,bg视讯的市场经理 Kathleen Crosby 报告在生活中管理的典型的一天 汤普金斯广场绿色市场, which has been transforming a corner of the East Village into a neighborhood center of sustainability every Sunday since 1997.

4:45 a.m.: Alarm goes off. I decide not to hit the snooze button this morning, and disable two other back-up alarms. I make a strong cup of tea and breakfast: Ronnybrook maple yogurt with peaches, bee pollen, chia seeds, and grape nuts.

5:25 a.m.把自行车搬到楼下,然后出发. 天还没亮,布鲁克林的路上空无一人.

6:05 a.m.我比任何一个农民都早到达市场. 湿度在80%左右,汤普金斯闻起来很熟.

6:50 a.m.: The first producer of the day, Red Jacket Orchards, arrives at market.

7:20 a.m.我搭好了市场信息桌和帐篷. The Greenmarket van is filled to the BRIM today with equipment. A 40 pound kettle ball falls out as I open the back door, then work to cram my 10x10 ft. tent into a 7 ft. 树与路标之间的空隙. Decide on which recipes to display and put out our many pamphlets and handouts. Today we’re featuring tomatoes, so I go grab a bunch of heirlooms for a display.

7:50 a.m.哈里到达了现场. 哈里长期住在E. 7th St. 而且知道东村所有的好去处. 他通常戴着一顶写着“螺柱”的帽子,但今天不是. I'm thinking I should get him a little button that says "Honorary Mayor of Tompkins Square." Each week, Harry helps Jimmy Stannard of Stannard Farms set up and break down, 给员工一天的休息时间, 和熟悉的人打招呼时,会像狼一样嚎叫. 他的朋友“红”走过. 他嚎叫,她也跟着嚎叫.

9:00 a.m.:在农民的摊位上贴上宣传EBT的标牌, Health Bucks, 频繁的购物者促销标志, 加上即将到来的萨尔萨比赛的标志.

9:15 a.m.: Pam from Ronnybrook feeds me ice cream (it's a tradition we have). 今天的口味是stracciatella.

9:30 a.m.: Do the market report. Today, 所有的农民都按时遵守了规定, farm sign out, price signs out, 蜂蜜的产品标签, meat, eggs, etc; tents weighted down, 成箱的农产品不能直接放在地上, meat, eggs and dairy chilled. Everything is in order. While at Norwich Meadow's stand, one of the Tibetan workers hands me a hot samosa.

10:00 a.m.梅雷迪思面包店的奎茜要去上厕所. 我卖一些司康饼和无麸质面包.

10:15 a.m.现在来做我的a字架标志. 首先这些字母太大了. Erase. Then too small. Erase. A regular comes up and talks to me for 20 minutes about the history of the East Village. How it has changed!

10:30 a.m.完成信息表的设置. 拿一些辣椒和西红柿来装饰我的摊位. Swiping EBT & 借记卡/信用卡,给代币和健康币. 检查常客卡. 试着让更多的人报名参加萨尔萨舞会.

10:45 a.m.: Pam literally spoon-feeds me some of her second batch of ice cream, strawberry this time.

11:15 a.m.: A couple of neighborhood residents who are trying to start a CSA next week approach me about fruit. 我把他介绍给吉米·斯坦纳德,他们商量价格.

11:30 a.m.去拿些烹饪演示用的材料. 因为bg视讯的特色是西红柿, 我抓了一些成熟多汁的, 几穗黄色的玉米, a bag of okra, 还有一些辣椒和甜椒. 全部由农民捐赠. 阿里尔,我的助手,开始砍柴. I run to the local Chinese take-out join to pick up a quart of rice to serve the dish. We'll call it...a summer stew.

12:00 p.m.:使用一些社交媒体. 四处走走,看看有什么好看的. The sun is hitting Norwich Meadow's beautiful tomatoes just right. 发布到instagram,检查. Post to twitter, check. 发布到facebook,查看.

12:30 - 2:00 p.m.把样品分装到小杯子里,直到全部用完. 我想bg视讯有一些秋葵皈依者. The key is slice it thin and toss it in the pan for a few seconds at the very end. Man is it getting hot.

2:10 p.m.: Samples are gone. Now we get to lunch. I'm having some zucchini pasta ribbons with basil, almonds and pecorino.

2:45 p.m.哈里有了一个主意. He thinks we should put together a little box of goodies from the market and give it to the owner of the Odessa restaurants across the street. The Odessa Cafe and uber dive-y Odessa Bar have long been fixtures of the EV, but unfortunately Odessa Bar had to close its doors a few days ago. The people at Odessa Cafe have been good to the market over the years letting us use their bathroom and serving up cheap iced coffees. I grab a crate from Jimmy and fill it up with an assortment of produce, bread, pie, 还有所有小贩的果汁. 哈里陪我过去,把我介绍给店主. He apparently doesn't come to the restaurant often, so I'm glad to have the opportunity to thank him. He happily accepts.

3:30 p.m.: An indie film location scout approaches us about using farmers' stands in a scene they're shooting in Tompkins Square park.

4:00 p.m.看看萨尔萨舞的报名名单,又有3个人报名了!

4:30 p.m.: Haifa from Norwich Meadows finds out that I don't really eat meat. “当你变老的时候,你会缺乏氨基酸!她喊道,把一些鸡肉塞到我手里.

4:45 p.m.城市丰收到达现场. 他们在第七大道把车复停. I meet this week’s volunteer and give them some bags to collect unsold produce from farmers to donate to pantries.

5:05 p.m.: The first of Toigo's three trucks arrives from Carroll Gardens, 紧接着是他们的第二个, 斯图镇的大得多的卡车. Pura Vida packs up a little late, so these two trucks are double parked on 7th. I move my van and Acevedo's small truck so I can fit the smaller Toigo truck in.

5:15 p.m.: Pura Vida leaves but Toigo's big truck can't make that wide turn from 7th onto Ave A because of the City Harvest truck that is still double parked. I ask the CH driver if he can kindly go around the block to let Toigo through. He's cool about it.

5:20 p.m.: All the farmers have packed up for the day except for Meredith's, so now it's my turn. 玩半小时的范俄罗斯方块来获得所有的重量, tables, tents, bins, a-frames, racks, and banners in order.

5:50 p.m.忘了我在第一大道的a字架吧. 跑过去把它捡起来.

6:00 p.m.: Get a few bags of peaches, plums, and nectarines from Toigo, who are usually the last to leave.

6:10 p.m.: Say my goodbyes and start packing my backpack and bike panniers. Got too much stuff again, have to bungee some squash and peppers on the top of my bike rack.

6:15 p.m.: DANG! Somehow a peach got into my bag of EBT supplies and smashed right up against the keys of my terminal. Classic!


February 12, 2016
Posted in Recycling | Tagged recycle, volunteer, NYCHA, recycling

Over the past year, an exciting thing has been happening: recycling is rolling out at NYCHA developments citywide.  作为社区参与的伙伴, bg视讯 has provided recycling education at workshops and events, 旨在改变的方式超过400种,000名纽约人倒垃圾. 

This winter, bg视讯 is launching a new volunteer program for NYCHA residents who want to see this program succeed.  Through our 环保大使 program, we will train volunteers to educate neighbors about recycling at their developments.  After completing two, 2-hour workshops, 环保大使 conduct 12 hours of local outreach to encourage participation in the NYCHA Recycles! Program.  志愿者的福利包括实地考察, gear, gift bags and a certificate of service signed by the DNSY commissioner and a NYCHA executive. 

Live at NYCHA and want to make a positive change where you live?  了解更多信息并立即注册!

bg视讯's zero waste programs funded by the NYC Department of Sanitation. 

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